REFLECTION #3 Inquiry based learning
We have all heard at one time or another that hands-on experience is the key. We have also heard that actually practicing and doing is a lot better than just sitting there and taking it all in. Reading about Inquiry based learning, I realized I knew a little more about it than I thought. There has been a habit of late for students to cram for a test to get that perfect score in that perfect test that is so vital and important for the school to receive the much needed funds to operate. What occurs with his method is that, yes, the student receives a glowing grade but the knowledge learned is no based on any truth and personal recognition and it is quickly disposed of because the student never truly connected with the knowledge learned. I have for quite some time used association with my learning. I try to associate what I am trying to learn with something pertinent to my life, my surroundings and me. This technique has proven very effective for me. It is important for the student to be more involved in the learning process and to allow the teacher to observe where the student is coming from, what they know and how to take them to the next level. Often times, because of the structure of the past or current curriculums, when a student questions a theory, if that question strays from the lesson plan, the student is informed that they will get back to that at a later time. The old method of learning about things, emphasizes the ends and this Inquiry based learning is learning the means to get you to that end. To not simply know the hard facts but to inquire as to why it is so and how do we know such facts and that in itself opens many doors. This method will prompt the student to get used to the idea of learning in a more creative way that stays with them a lifetime. The expression “Inquiring minds want to know” is true and students should be trained and inspired to want to know more, and possibly challenge it. Open discourse is a good way also to share a wealth of knowledge and information amongst students. Every individual in the room comes with a set of defined characteristics due to their particular background and upbringing. Imagine sharing all that knowledge with each other. Opening the world to the kids via the Internet and all the knowledge attained there. The complexities of modern society call for a technologically, skills adept people. Taking the questions regarding a subject matter to new directions and new heights. What may appear to be black & white is not. The teacher is more than that, he/she is a facilitator for hands on learning that goes beyond and asks why? and how? and when? and where? The more we know, the more we realize how much more there is to know and that realization is what creates a hunger in the students to take that knowledge to the next level.
EME2040-Introduction to Educational Technology
Prof. Joseph D. McNair
Ernie Joya-D51-07-9182
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